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I was born in Harrow in North London and later moved out to Buckinghamshire where I attended St Bernard's Convent School in Slough before moving back up to London to read history at University College.

My first real job was working as a 'Girl Friday' in a small Theatrical and Literary Agency - (the same job that Rebecca has in 'Foursome'). As soon as I walked through the door I fell in love with the idea of working in drama in some capacity.

After three years I left to pursue a career in TV, starting as a freelance script reader and then working as a script editor on various shows including EastEnders where I was made a producer in 1994. The following year I started work producing a new low budget show for BBC2 - 'This Life'.

Several other shows including 'Teachers' and '20 Things To Do Before You're 30' followed before I suddenly got brave enough to have a go at trying to fulfil my life long ambition to write a novel in 2006.

I had the idea for 'Getting Rid of Matthew' during one insomniac night and the following day rather prematurely handed in my notice at work giving myself a year to get it published.

Thankfully, Penguin picked it up and it went on to be selected for the Richard and Judy Book Club becoming a national bestseller in 2007. My next book, 'Got You Back' (2008), and my latest, 'Foursome' (2010) have also made it onto the bestseller list thanks to the continued support of loyal readers for which I am incredibly grateful.

I'm currently working on my fourth novel for 2011.

Jane Fallon

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easy living

red magazine
Jane Fallon